Tuesday, 13 August 2013

Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture - Open Day Special Offer

We are very lucky to have working alongside us at Golborne Place the very talented Crispin Gordon. With more than 15-years experience as a complementary health practitioner, Crispin is a qualified Acupuncturist and Shiatsu therapist who has worked in the NHS, and in collaboration with private doctors and specialists. Alongside a busy private practice, Crispin treats clients voluntarily for a charitable group helping many people with a wide array of conditions.

In August and September Crispin is running special offer open day appointments at Golborne Place to give those interested a taster of his Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture treatments. Dates for the diary are Saturday August 17th and Saturday 21st September.

Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture is an anti-ageing beauty therapy that promotes a naturally healthy and radiant appearance​​. The treatment works to:​​

-Rejuvenate the tissues of the face-
-Help the skin return to its natural elasticity and tone-
​-Encourage the regeneration of skin cells​-
-Revitalise cells that lie deep under the surface of the skin​​-
-Lift and firm facial muscles​-
-Stimulate the natural production of collagen-
-Plump up unwanted lines and wrinkles-
-Transform sagginess​-

This specialised treatment will be offered for this select period at the rate of £55 for 90 minutes, reduced from £115. I'm sure you'll agree it's an offer not to be missed!

To book in with Crispin either contact us here at Golborne Place on 020 8969 8907 or amy@golborneplace.com. Alternatively, if you would like to ask Crispin any questions and book directly with him please contact info@crispingordon.com.

For more details on Crispin's complimentary health treatments see his website www.facialacupuncturelondon.co.uk


  1. Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture is not suitable for anyone suffering from a pituitary disorder, a bleeding or bruising disorder, or migraine headaches. Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture should not be given during pregnancy, during a bout of cold or flu, during an allergic attack or during an acute herpes outbreak. People fitted with a pacemaker should not have Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture. acupuncture katy tx

  2. Facial Rejuvenation works by tightening pores, improving muscle tone, increasing collagen production and reducing facial stresses. It also restores balance to the skin's moisture and color by increasing blood circulation to the face, which improves muscle tone. It can even reduce the buildup of noxious elements in the skin.
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  3. Acupuncture is able to work so well because it is able to penetrate back muscles that lie deep in the spine. Your acupuncturist can further warm the needles while inserted to allow further relaxation.Acupuncture in dallas Acupuncture Treatment in Manchester

  4. Nice post..... Facial rejuvenation can be achieved through either surgical and/or non-surgical options. Procedures can vary in invasiveness and depth of treatment.
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