Friday, 1 November 2013

Interview with Anusha Pillay...

Ahead of Anusha Pillay's Open Day on Saturday the 23rd of November, we've been getting to know the multi-talented therapist a little better. Anusha has been with us since spring this year and she specialises in Body Realignment, Facial Rejuvanessence and Reflexology.

Anusha, tell us about your background, have you always been a therapist? How did you come to it?

I have a BCom degree and majored in Business Information Systems.  My journey through the corporate world has taken me from the technical side of things into Human Resources where I worked in Human Capital Development.  It was at this time through my exposure to lots of self development that I became interested in the mind-body connection.  I started off with Body Work in 2003 instructing Pilates and later in 2007 started with subtle energetic work doing Reiki - all part time.  My opportunity to practice as a complimentary therapist came when I relocated from South Africa to the UK about four and a half years ago.

What's the most valuable lesson you've learnt from your treatments?

The most valuable lesson I've learned is that I don't have control over the outcome of a treatment.  The body will heal at it's own pace and in it's own time depending on the client's belief system as well as their physical and emotional states.

How do you relax?

I find quiet time after everyone in my house as retired to their rooms, normally around 10pm.  I create a dimmed relaxing environment using lights and candles and unwind with a book for about twenty minutes and then spend some time doing a quiet reflection or a Reiki healing.

You've been working on Golborne Road for a few months now, what's your favourite thing about this street?

I don't think there is one thing! The things that draw me to it are the different aromas from the multi-cultural food stalls, the lively markets and the quirky antique shops and especially the lovely friendly people who create the ambiance of lively chatter on the pavements.

If you could take only 5 things to a secret island, what would they be?

A sketch pad, pencil colours, wheatgrass, a book - what ever I fancy at the time, at the moment I'm reading a book by Dr Joe Dispenza called Breaking the Habit of being yourself. Also a xylophone

That's an interesting range of objects! Who inspires you?

Children and nature

Finally, tell us a little something about yourself - what do you do when you’re not treating your clients?

I'm a mother of three teenage boys who keep me very busy with their various sports and leisure activities!  I look forward to Sunday afternoons when we get to spend time together as a family.  I volunteer at my local hospice two mornings a week and in between my daily chores and clients I try to fit in an activity such as stretching or Pilates. My interest in the mind body connection keeps me reading, Googling and speaking to people in the field constantly.

Thanks Anusha - I definitely feel we know a little more about you. Fascinated by the xylophone! :)

To find out more about Anusha's therapies and what they can do for you why not book yourself in for one of her Open day special rate treatments.

Body Realignment 90 mins - £55 (usually £100)
Described by Anusha as a "powerful yet subtle method of setting free physical and emotional trauma or damage by releasing myo-fascial restriction". The treatment involves a thorough consultation and assessment of the body. Gentle techniques are then applied to the body in order to facilitate a recovery back to alignment and health.

Reflexology 30 mins - £20 or 60 mins - £40 (usually £60)
A therapy based on the principle that reflex areas in the hands and feet correspond to our glands and organs. Stimulating these reflexes properly assist health problems in a natural way. Stress related issues, headaches, sleep problems, digestive discomforts and an overall sense of improved well being can result.

Facial Rejuvanessence 90 mins - £55 (usually £100)
A natural therapy that reduces patterns of tension we hold in our facial muscles. Working on the connective tissues the muscles can relax as well as tone resulting in detoxification, softening of lines and improved flow of nutrients to the skin.

For info or to book contact or call 020 8969 8907

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