As the days are getting shorter and slightly cooler many of us start to feel fatigued and sluggish. This is a fairly normal reaction to the changing of the season and lower levels of light. There are some great natural remedies for these feelings, such as Acupuncture, Deep Tissue and Aromatherapy Massage, as well as nutritional and lifestyle changes that can be made accordingly, and regular exercise .
However, for some daily tiredness is something that remains all year round and can affect everyday life without the remedy of sleep or rest, this is known as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, or ME (Myalgia Encephalomyelitis).
CFS is a condition that can cause long-term illness and disability, although many - particularly younger people - can improve over time. Most cases of CFS are mild or moderate, but 1 in 4 cases are described as severe. The varying levels of the condition are described as follows by the NHS:
- Mild: you are able to care for yourself, but may need days off work to rest.
- Moderate: you may have reduced mobility, and your symptoms can vary. You may also have disturbed sleep patterns, and need to sleep in the afternoon.
- Severe: you are able to carry out minimal daily tasks, such as brushing your teeth, but you have significantly reduced mobility. You may also have difficulty concentrating.
The cause of CFS is not exactly know, although there are some theories; such as a viral infection, immune system inefficiency, hormone imbalance or psychiatric issues, such as high levels of stress and/or trauma. Some people are thought to be more susceptible due to their genes.
Diagnosis can be tricky but there are guidelines set by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) that state CFS should be considered if extreme fatigue cannot be explained by any other conditions, if the sufferer experiences sleep and concentration problems as well as muscular and joint pains, mood swings and headaches, and these issues last for a period of several months.
Unfortunately there is no cure for CFS, although there are treatments designed to reduce the symptoms. These treatments offered by western medicine tend to cover the symptoms for only a short period and sadly carry side effects; such as anti-depressants, anti-inflamatory drugs and anxiety medications.
On a positive note, there are some effective natural therapies available that can provide long-term solutions and help living with CFS become a less stressful and more manageable experience.
Several studies suggest that Acupuncture may help reduce the symptoms of CFS. According to 'Natural Therapy for All', a study by the University of Hong Kong found that those participants who received Acupuncture experienced a significant reduction in physical and mental fatigue, as well as an improvement in their physical component scores. The philosophy behind Acupuncture is that well-being is achieved by maintaining the body in a balanced state, and that many diseases and disorders are often caused by an internal balance, which blocks the flow of qi (vital energy) pathways, also known as meridians. Qi can be unblocked by using acupuncture at specific points on the meridians.

Massage has been proven beneficial and effective in reducing anxiety and promoting quality of sleep. For those sufferers of CFS who are not in a position to exercise, massage acts as a great alternative in promoting good blood circulation, which is vital in maintaining the health of muscles and joints. Deep Tissue is one of the most common types of massage used for people with CFS as the techniques target tissues located several layers below the skin's surface. Aromatherapy oils can be effective also in promoting calmness and healthy sleep.
Those with CFS are advised to keep physically active, but it's important to find an appropriate form of exercise that suits the level of severity of the condition. Exercise that utilises all muscles of the body, promotes movement and is in a safe and comfortable environment is important. Pilates and Gyrotonic are great options as they both work to strengthen, condition and systematically work the joints and muscles of the body. The body develops a more co-ordinated, balanced and aligned figure, but not only is a healthy physicality promoted, the mind and soul are also relaxed and awakened together, with the combinations of breathing and movement. One to one classes are recommended so attention can be given accordingly and specific exercise programs can be designed for all the varying levels.
The cognitive approach helps you take control on a mindful level, act as detective and examine the beliefs and thoughts held on to, these thoughts effect the way we view ourselves and others and feed disorders such as anxiety, depression or low self-esteem for example. CBT is a useful therapy when dealing with side-effects of this condition and lifestyle has a direct impact on the severity and management of CFS. Therefore having a positive outlook, well-balanced diet and healthy habits can only have a beneficial effect on dealing with this condition.
At Golborne Place we have, and continue to, work with sufferers of CFS. It's a joy to assist those on a journey of self-discovery, on a path back to health, by helping those who have trying conditions, injuries, physical and emotional stresses, as well as those wishing purely to connect mind, body and soul through the joy of movement.
Check out our website for more details on all the classes and treatments we offer - please feel free to call our teachers and therapists directly with enquiries, or call reception on 020 8969 8907 or email